Surabaya, Januari 2024 – Sorgtime, sebuah inisiatif inovatif yang dipimpin oleh Apta Jayeng Dwi Putra membawa angin segar dalam industri kuliner lokal dengan menghadirkan kopi gula sorghum sebagai produk unggulan. Sorgtime digagas oleh lima mahasiswa Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), yaitu Apta Jayeng Dwi Putra, Mohchamad Airlangga Bima, Galuh Taufan Ardiansyah, Berlian Imazdalifa, dan Zahra…
Becoming a paid motivational speaker involves a mix of personal branding, expertise, networking, and public speaking skills. (This) can seem overwhelming at first. However, if you break it down into steps, it becomes easier to understand. First, you need to establish your brand, which is essential—because it helps you stand out. Next, develop your expertise…
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